Humor Used in Different Ways
The Times article “Why I use Humor When Talking About My Sexual Assault,” and Ralph Ellison’s article “American Humor” describes how humor can be used in many different ways, and for different reasons as well. In Time’s article, Myriam Gurba writes about how she uses humor to cope with her sexual assault. While using this tactic may prompt others to think, “oh, it must’ve not been that bad if she uses humor to talk about it,” Gurba writes how she uses humor as a form of action. She turns the definition of humor on its head as she says that rape itself is the “sickest practical joke ever invented.” Gurba uses humor to normalize talking about sexual assault because as she states in her closing sentence, society still has not become “intimate” enough with talking about it, and it’s something that must be talked about. Gurba also writes about how humor helps the healing process because she states that humor “requires spontaneity” and later on Dr. Jack Saul states that he knows when...